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19 June, 14:01
Twinned Cities Hall inaugurated at Perm City Administration
Photo by Yekaterina Gasper

Celebrations of the City Day in Perm were attended by foreign guests of the city. Mayor of Perm Dmitry Samoilov hold a reception  for the Chinese delegation from Qingdao and professor of Louisville University Michael Losavio, coordinator of Perm-Louisville students  exchange programme. 

Qingdao delegation had already seen the exposition highlighting the history of twinned partnerships of Perm  which was officially inaugurated at the city administration building (U.Lenina, 23) on the eve of the celebrations. 

The Twinned Cities Hall displays information on each of the six twinned cities of Perm,  rare photos from history as well as a gifts display. 

Through the history of international cooperation Perm has gained  a lot of evidence of a favourable impact   the people’s diplomacy has had on various aspects of the city’s life – culture, sports, economy, education, introducing new management practices, etc.  A specific feature of twinned partnerships in Perm is a constructive dialogue and emphasis on exchange of experience, as well as implementation of joint projects and promoting mutual understanding. 

Perm can boast significant achievements in developing international links.  Thus, in 2017  it became the leader in the rating for international activities  among the million-populated cities-members of Eurasian branch of “The United Cities and Local Authorities” World Organization.  In April 2018 in Bishkek Perm was the winner of the competition run by the Union of Russian Cities “ The best municipal practices” in the nomination for “Peoples’ diplomacy as an efficient inter-municipal interaction” .  On September 14, 2018  in Berlin  the German Foreign Ministry  organized a closing conference of Russian-German Year of regional and municipal partnerships. At its final gathering, Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister,  handed in to  Dmitry Samoilov,  the Perm Mayor, Certificate of Honor  from  Russian and German Foreign Ministries  “To cities of Perm and Duisburg for a substantial contribution into development of  local-level cooperation  between Russia and Germany” 

Perm has 6 twinned cities: Amneville (France), Louisville (the USA), Oxford (the UK), Qingdao (China), Duisburg (Germany) and Agrigento (Italy).
